weephotographerFeb 17, 20221 min read相亲相爱幸福永,同心同德幸福长。愿你们情比海深! 恭喜我们的新人 Ye Thong & Chia Yee政府逐步放开,让婚礼拍摄更加顺畅,即便如此,SOP还是有紧跟,在拍摄过程时,摄影师都会使用冠病检测盒自行检测,并严格遵守相关标准作业程序SOP,包括扫描MySejahtera、全程拍摄戴上口罩,消毒和保持距离等。 在华人的婚礼充满了坦然和真诚,每一场婚礼要面对不同的环境,不...
weephotographerJan 10, 20201 min readBenny & Clovi Wedding day 我们很高兴能为情侣Benny & Clovi 拍摄他们婚礼摄影。他们在自己的家乡SP举办了一婚礼,同时带来一些非常有创意的想法😊 作为婚礼摄影师我们要不断尝试突破,为我们的客人带来惊喜,我们非常重视价值和质量,主要重点是使每个客户满意。因此,对我而言,最重要的是与客户交谈...
weephotographerAug 30, 20192 min readGwen & Chris Wedding party in G Hotel PenangWork as a wedding photographer takes us to some amazing locations, and this time it was Gwen & Chris’s wedding . This is a very...
weephotographerJul 3, 20191 min read恭喜Sue Kiat和Soo Ling❤️ 见证一场“汉式”婚礼礼是人与人之间相处的规范。婚礼则规范着夫妇相处之道。何其有幸,能在“马来西亚汉服运动”成员的帮助下,以“汉式”婚礼见证的爱情。 不同于西式和一般以清,民国的中式婚礼,汉式婚礼参考“三礼”(《周礼》,《仪礼》及《礼记》,根据“士婚礼”流程,依次进行“醮子礼”,“醮女礼”,“亲...
weephotographerJun 29, 20191 min readBK and Hui Ci Wedding at Penang Botanica MansionBK and Hui Ci held a garden wedding at the Botanica Mansion. The venue is quite a stylish one but has a relaxed and calm vibe at the same...
weephotographerMay 30, 20191 min readwelcome to our new website www.weephotographer.com.myWelcome to Wee Photographer A photo isn’t just an image. There are thousands of emotions and a story hidden in that photo and we are...